One of the most powerful features of moregetsdone.com is that is has an API.

moregetsdone.com is tasks as a service (TAAS).

Have your systems connect to this system and use it. Don't spend a lot of money programming these powerful features yourself.

Steps to start:

  1. Register a new "user." This will be your application
  2. Click on the user profile photo in the upper-right corner
  3. Click on "API Token" in the dropdown menu
  4. Fill out the "Token Name" form field. Permissions is just "read"
  5. Click the "Create" button
  6. Copy and save the token
  7. Use this token as the bearer token your system will connect/validate with

Here is the API:



HTTP POST https://moregetsdone.com/api/tasks

          "name": characters | max 255 | required,
          "description": characters | max 3000 | optional,
          "start_date": yyyy-mm-dd | optional,
          "end_date": yyyy-mm-dd | optional,
          "closed_date": not settable,
          "recipient_id": integer | optional,
          "creator_id": integer | optional,
          "project_id": integer | optional,
          "org_id": integer | optional,
          "metric_id": integer | optional,
          "status": auto set to "open",
          "public": "no" or "yes",
          "street": characters | max 255 | optional,,
          "location_id": integer | optional,
          "city_id": integer | optional,
          "state_id": integer | optional,
          "county_id": integer | optional,
          "latitude": regex:/^[-]?(([0-8]?[0-9])\.(\d+))|(90(\.0+)?)$/ | optional,
          "longitude": regex:/^[-]?((((1[0-7][0-9])|([0-9]?[0-9]))\.(\d+))|180(\.0+)?)$/ | optional,
          "cause_id": integer | optional

For example:

          "name": "Inspect furnace #1",
          "description": "Turn off three days in advance.  Wear protective gear.  Fill out form #22 on laptop.",
          "start_date": "2023-01-15",
          "recipient_id": 545


HTTP GET https://moregetsdone.com/api/tasks


HTTP PUT https://moregetsdone.com/api/tasks/{task_id}

          "name": characters | max 255 | required,
          "description": characters | max 3000 | optional,
          "start_date": yyyy-mm-dd | optional,
          "end_date": yyyy-mm-dd | optional,
          "closed_date": yyyy-mm-dd | optional,
          "recipient_id": integer | optional,
          "creator_id": integer | optional,
          "project_id": integer | optional,
          "org_id": integer | optional,
          "metric_id": integer | optional,
          "status": "open" or "closed"
          "public": "no" or "yes",
          "street": characters | max 255 | optional,
          "location_id": integer | optional,
          "city_id": integer | optional,
          "state_id": integer | optional,
          "county_id": integer | optional,
          "latitude": regex:/^[-]?(([0-8]?[0-9])\.(\d+))|(90(\.0+)?)$/ | optional,
          "longitude": regex:/^[-]?((((1[0-7][0-9])|([0-9]?[0-9]))\.(\d+))|180(\.0+)?)$/ | optional,
          "cause_id": integer | optional


HTTP DELETE https://moregetsdone.com/api/tasks/{task_id}



HTTP POST https://moregetsdone.com/api/projects

          "name": characters | max 255 | required,
          "description": characters | max 3000 | optional,
          "start_date": yyyy-mm-dd | optional,
          "end_date": yyyy-mm-dd | optional,
          "closed_date": not settable,
          "creator_id": integer | optional,
          "team_id": integer | optional,
          "status": auto set to "open",

For example:

          "name": "Plan office Christmas Party",
          "start_date": "2023-11-01",


HTTP GET https://moregetsdone.com/api/projects


HTTP PUT https://moregetsdone.com/api/projects/{project_id}

          "name": characters | max 255 | required,
          "description": characters | max 3000 | optional,
          "start_date": yyyy-mm-dd | optional,
          "end_date": yyyy-mm-dd | optional,
          "closed_date": not settable,
          "creator_id": integer | optional,
          "team_id": integer | optional,
          "status": auto set to "open",


HTTP DELETE https://moregetsdone.com/api/projects/{project_id}

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