One of the most powerful features of moregetsdone.com is that is has an API.
moregetsdone.com is tasks as a service (TAAS).
Have your systems connect to this system and use it. Don't spend a lot of money programming these powerful features yourself.
Steps to start:
- Register a new "user." This will be your application
- Click on the user profile photo in the upper-right corner
- Click on "API Token" in the dropdown menu
- Fill out the "Token Name" form field. Permissions is just "read"
- Click the "Create" button
- Copy and save the token
- Use this token as the bearer token your system will connect/validate with
Here is the API:
HTTP POST https://moregetsdone.com/api/tasks
{ "name": characters | max 255 | required, "description": characters | max 3000 | optional, "start_date": yyyy-mm-dd | optional, "end_date": yyyy-mm-dd | optional, "closed_date": not settable, "recipient_id": integer | optional, "creator_id": integer | optional, "project_id": integer | optional, "org_id": integer | optional, "metric_id": integer | optional, "status": auto set to "open", "public": "no" or "yes", "street": characters | max 255 | optional,, "location_id": integer | optional, "city_id": integer | optional, "state_id": integer | optional, "county_id": integer | optional, "latitude": regex:/^[-]?(([0-8]?[0-9])\.(\d+))|(90(\.0+)?)$/ | optional, "longitude": regex:/^[-]?((((1[0-7][0-9])|([0-9]?[0-9]))\.(\d+))|180(\.0+)?)$/ | optional, "cause_id": integer | optional }
For example:
{ "name": "Inspect furnace #1", "description": "Turn off three days in advance. Wear protective gear. Fill out form #22 on laptop.", "start_date": "2023-01-15", "recipient_id": 545 }
HTTP GET https://moregetsdone.com/api/tasks
HTTP PUT https://moregetsdone.com/api/tasks/{task_id}
{ "name": characters | max 255 | required, "description": characters | max 3000 | optional, "start_date": yyyy-mm-dd | optional, "end_date": yyyy-mm-dd | optional, "closed_date": yyyy-mm-dd | optional, "recipient_id": integer | optional, "creator_id": integer | optional, "project_id": integer | optional, "org_id": integer | optional, "metric_id": integer | optional, "status": "open" or "closed" "public": "no" or "yes", "street": characters | max 255 | optional, "location_id": integer | optional, "city_id": integer | optional, "state_id": integer | optional, "county_id": integer | optional, "latitude": regex:/^[-]?(([0-8]?[0-9])\.(\d+))|(90(\.0+)?)$/ | optional, "longitude": regex:/^[-]?((((1[0-7][0-9])|([0-9]?[0-9]))\.(\d+))|180(\.0+)?)$/ | optional, "cause_id": integer | optional }
HTTP DELETE https://moregetsdone.com/api/tasks/{task_id}
HTTP POST https://moregetsdone.com/api/projects
{ "name": characters | max 255 | required, "description": characters | max 3000 | optional, "start_date": yyyy-mm-dd | optional, "end_date": yyyy-mm-dd | optional, "closed_date": not settable, "creator_id": integer | optional, "team_id": integer | optional, "status": auto set to "open", }
For example:
{ "name": "Plan office Christmas Party", "start_date": "2023-11-01", }
HTTP GET https://moregetsdone.com/api/projects
HTTP PUT https://moregetsdone.com/api/projects/{project_id}
{ "name": characters | max 255 | required, "description": characters | max 3000 | optional, "start_date": yyyy-mm-dd | optional, "end_date": yyyy-mm-dd | optional, "closed_date": not settable, "creator_id": integer | optional, "team_id": integer | optional, "status": auto set to "open", }
HTTP DELETE https://moregetsdone.com/api/projects/{project_id}